Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle Photoshoot

The purpose of this photoshoot was to shoot material that has either been reused or recycled in some way. My initial plan was to shoot sustainable material under unique lighting conditions, but as I began my photoshoot I was inspired by the recycled material around me. I realized that we probably ALL reuse and recycle material in ways that we haven’t noticed. It’s amazing how many different purposes one object can serve.

I took a couple of pictures of some metal pipes I found, I think their texture and color makes from some cool shots.



My dad has been growing flowers for years, one of his tricks is to use old styrofoam cups to grow new baby plants. It’s inexpensive, and it works!


Fruit and vegetable peel also has a very unique texture and of course is full of color. I reused orange peel, lemon peel, and tomatillo peel for this shot. I think they look pretty, yet we always throw these away without a second glance.


As I was going through my recycle box I realized that shredded paper looks like a birds nest.

